Upgrade Information about PECERA (emergencies/urgent time)

  1. *The 23rd Conference of Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association* on 7-9 July 2023 in Hotel Grand Inna Kuta Bali – Indonesia.
    *Conference Theme : “Strengthening Resilience in Children During Time of Change”. We are calling for papers ! You are invited to submit an abstract for a paper/poster presentation.
  2. Deadline for submission of abstracts 10 Mei 2023, notification of acceptance within 2 weeks after you submit the abstract.
  3. Early Bird Registration Deadline is 10 June 2023. For more information and registration please visit PECERA 2023 Website https://pecera2023.com
  4. untuk informasi selengkapnya silakan kunjungi link berikut ini:  silakan klik di sini atau CP: a.n. Ibu Megaria Agustina (UHN Denpasar) no wa: +628567455639